
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Beef Stew

I will never be able to make this the exact way my grandma did. Hers was mind blowing.
Life is stew good to be unhappy > <
Serves 6-8


3-5 pounds beef chopped into chunks (sorry I have no idea what cut of meat to use: use your best judgement)
3-4 carrots chopped into thick chunks
2-3 potatoes peeled and cubed
1 onion cut into quarters
1 small can tomato paste
ketchup (grandma's secret ingredient)
salt and pepper to taste
optional- 4 stalks celery chopped big


1. Brown meat in pot then cover with water and bring to boil. Simmer for 1 1/2-2 hours.. yes I know long time..but that's what makes it tender.
2. Add in about 3/4 of the can of tomato paste and a squirt of ketchup for a little sweetness.
3. Add in onions then let simmer for 5 minutes then add in carrots.
4. After 5 more minutes add in potatoes.
5. When all vegetables are tender yet firm, remove from heat.
6. Season with salt and pepper then serve with rice. This stew warms my heart.