Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Crab and Cream Cheese Pockets

Truly, one of the prettiest things I have ever pulled out of the oven.  I bet you could do a ton of different versions of this... Pizza Pockets, Spinach artichoke dip, Portuguese Sausage and eggs, Apple pie... Way too many options! Whoever thought of this whole flower idea is a genius... No, no don't look at me, I can't take any of the credit. How did people even come up with ideas before Pinterest?! ;-)

Makes about 16 crab stuffed pockets


2 cans croissant or pizza dough
1 block cream cheese
1 cup of chopped real crab OR 1 package of imitation crab, chopped
3/4 cup mozzarella, parmesan or provolone cheese
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 sprigs of green onion, chopped
paprika, salt, and pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Make crab mixture by mixing together cream cheese, imitation crab, cheese, garlic, spices and green onion. Set on the side.
3. On a cookie sheet, roll one can of dough into a big ball then flatten out into a large circle. Use a mug to make an imprint in the middle of the dough circle. 
4. Place the crab mixture on the dough in a ring shape and pile the remaining crab in a lump in the middle circle indentation.

5. Roll out the second can of dough, making sure this one is slightly larger than the first, and lay over the crab ring.

6. Use your fingers to press the dough down to hug the crab and be "fitted."
7. With a fork, press around all the edges to seal.

8. Using a sharp knife, cut slices all around the circumference about 11/2 inches apart. You can also slice an X in the middle for decoration. 

9. Here's the fun part... Take each slice and rotate it so it is facing up. Go in the same direction all around.
10. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes or until it is golden brown all over.

11.  Serve warm and be ready to get some hugs...


  1. Your chocolate chip cookies are way better than Ruth whats her name-----and besides that, does Ruth know how to dive for lobster, jump off Orcies hole, spear aholehole and teach 2nd graders to do cool stuff? Sorry Ruth. Step aside for the next generation.
    from an admirer

  2. Thanks dad you have always been my #1 fan... Thank you for always being my brutally honest taste quality tester and giving me your sweet tooth :-P

  3. I love your website! I was looking for the tin foil special from Kintaros...and then started to read more of your recipes. Awesome. Thank you!

  4. I have done this same idea with artichoke dip apples with cinnamon and chocolate chips so yes there are many out there with this same thing its enjoyable thanks
